d Anadolu Çim




Combi Majora dust-free and completely water-soluble microgranules is a fertilizer

In cases where the plant cannot receive enough nourishment from the soil and under stress conditions, Combi Majora starts to meet the plant's trace element needs from the leaves.

Combi Majora provides more bud and flower formation in all plants where it is used, resulting in high efficiency and quality crops.

Combi Majora gives excellent results in meeting the microelement needs, which can lead to leaf chlorosis, flower abscission, poor fruit development and small fruit in case of deficiencies.

Combi Majora is recommended for plants grown in alkaline soils and their special iron needs.

Combi Majora is a fully chelated source of microelements used in all vegetables, fruits, greenhouse areas and saplings.

Technical Details: