d Anadolu Çim





• Zinc EDTA is a compound obtained by complexing the element zinc with a chemical compound called EDTA (Ethylenediamine Tetra Acetic Acid). This compound is easy to absorb and use by plants. Therefore, it is used to nourish zinc-deficient plants.

• Zinc is an extremely important element for plant physiology. In plants, it is responsible for the structural and activation of enzymes, protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism and IAA synthesis.

• In zinc deficiency; Root development and germination are poor. Fruit and seed formation is prevented. Yellowing of old leaves and between veins, shortening of internodes, curling and shrinkage of leaves, and rosette formation in young shoots of fruit trees are observed.

• It is a high quality Zinc source in EDTA chelated form, which can be taken completely by plants. It is an extremely effective nutrient in removing yellowness (chlorosis) caused by zinc in plants.

• Fertilina Verima Zn provides green disruption, dark green color, more buds and flower formation in all plants where it is used, resulting in high yield and quality crops.

Technical Details: