d Anadolu Çim





100% soluble and solves easily. K Humat is left by its own by being spilled in a cup of post (cask or bucket) slowly.It does not get mixed, It gets solved by it’s own.

  • K Humat could be used in all kinds of soil, by all irrigation systems and by foliar application.
  • K Humat provides the best conditions for plant development.
  • K Humat is the most effective soil conditioner for the annuel and perenuel plants. It is quite effective balancing soil pH levels. It helps the plant's cell membranes absorbance of nutrients and pesticides. In the soils with high calcium levels (lime) plants absorbe nutrients more difficultly.
  • K Humat eases absorbance by forming chealated complexes with nutrients.
  • K Humat increases the activities of microorganisms therefore it eleminates the problems resulted from excessive fertilizing.
  • K Humat application must be repeated periodicaly for soils in greenhouses and open fields which are fertilized constantly.
  • K Humat must be used more frequently in soils where phosphate accumulation is severe.
  • K Humat prevents waste of nitrogen fertilizers and eliminate problems due to excessive fertilizing.

Technical Details: